26/4A, Boundary Road South, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

DIDRR Program

Promotion of Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR)


Supply OPD/   Canoe

Allocation to the purchase of a Deep freezer  will be  used in  the purchase of a canoe (which is the demanding need of the society) with approval of the donor as a Deep freezer is already available   a with the society 

Supply of modified transport (Two wheeler to the OPD)

Load 90 cc model is to be purchased as per the budget of the society. But the model is not available in the market. Hence a similar model 49 cc motor bike was purchased with the approval of the YMCA. A balance in the allocation with the purchasing power of another similar bike is available with the society

The project comprises two vital components under the YMCA umbrella: the YMCA Youth Project and YMCA Other Project. By strategically focusing on these areas, we aim to empower and protect the mai

Those who are happiest are

those who do the most for others

said Booker T. Washington

Some of our Project photographs

3.Promotion of Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) practices to protect the Eco-systems and Secure livelihoods of Batticaloa Districts.

Funded by – CBM ( Christable Blind Mission)

Duration of Project: – 1st of January 2021 to 31st of December 2024 

Source of Fund: CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission 

Brief of Project:: – The effectiveness of the current project shall be examined based on the designed activity list, the projected results and how easy the deliverables shall be met with the set activities. If well met, how shall the final deliverables impact on he lives of the people, The cardinal goal of the project is to promote disability inclusion in Disaster risk reduction practices, to protect the ecosystem and secure livelihood of Batticaloa District. The first element of ensuring that disability in enhanced in disaster risk reduction is ensuring that persons living with disability or organizations formed or proposed by persons living with disability are on the forefront in designing solutions for the community disaster risks. The choice of the project target group well agrees with the expected results as 200 persons living with disability are art of the stakeholders getting direct benefits from the program. Further the project has targeted community service organizations which are completely humanitarian service vehicles with little zero profit element in their motivation matrix. This organizations of persons with disability shall be playing a representative role and shall ensure that needs and desires of their membership are addressed. Other project target groups include the community members, the fishery society, the farmers’ organization and local authorities. The numbers chosen as target groups is complete representation of the community’s demographic architecture and shall effectively ensure that community interests are priority in every initiatives and proposals.

Main Activity:        

  1. CSOs of Manmunai west capacitated on inclusive practices and environmental governance systems and participate in the renovation of the “Pachchai-kadaikkaran” agriculture tank.  
  2. DPO Koralaipattu west  capacitated and contributes to reduction of polythene usage and promote environmental friendly alternatives in the division
  3. Project management and monitoring to ensure effective implementation of project.

Expected Outputs:- 

  1. Irrigable area of the “Pachchai-kadaikkaran” tank increased by 30%.       
  2. Ground water recharge sustained to provide drinking water for 200 families and cattle during the dry seas
  3. Increased fish production that ensures livelihood for 50 fisherman including 35 persons with disabilities  
  4.  15,000 community members of Koralaipattu West,  reduce polythene usage and segregate the wastage
  5.  5000 residence (20% of total population) and 250 business firms (35%) in Koralaipattu West use environmental friendly alternatives introduced by OPD.

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